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Customer Reviews


"This last book of the series brought action packed and emotional roller coaster moments to Danny and Jeannie that lead them from their humble beginnings to the pinnacle of the Universe and a Promise of New Beginnings!" — Kathleen Jackson

Jeannie’s Golden Key

5 out of 5 stars

“Karen Spence McLean, retired English teacher:

“When I finished reading the four books of The Kopaz Series by Dale Groutage, I asked myself, as I do of any book I read, did I get something from the book? I would answer that with ‘certainly’. His books transported me beyond the everyday world in which I live. Who could not applaud Dale’s creativity and imagination! The books provided this reader with thoughts of the potential for something better and the possibility that good can overcome evil. ‘I hope so......’”

Kathleen Jackson

5 out of 5 stars

“As I finished the final book of the Kopaz Series, "War of the Gods", I was reminded of a quote from Victor Hugo. He said " A writer is a World trapped in a person. " I am so glad that this writer, Dale Groutage, released this World of Kopaz that was trapped in him and shared this wonderful story with all of us.

“This last book of the series brought action packed and emotional roller coaster moments to Danny and Jeannie that lead them from their humble beginnings to the pinnacle of the Universe and a Promise of New Beginnings!”

Amazon Customer

5 out of 5 stars

“Fantastic books! …Touching love story…Action-packed adventure…Highly recommend!

“Jeannie’s Golden Key is the first book of a four-book series. The four books of The Kopaz Series are: Book 1, Jeannie’s Golden Key; Book 2, Secrets of the Sun; Book 3, Young Gods of Kopaz and Book 4, War of the Gods. This series tells the incredible action-packed story and journey of two impoverished teenagers, Danny and Jeannie, children of coalminers, as they travel from the streets of CoalVille to a war among the Primeval Gods in the Land of Kopaz.

I would invite readers to experience all four books of The Kopaz Series as the story builds to the climatic ending, leaving you with a fascinating vision of the universe and the grand purpose of the Gods!

When I finished the final book of The Kopaz Series, War of the Gods, I found that what the author created is a fantastic final volume of his epic story. He succeed in bringing all of the various plot threads to satisfying conclusions, and he did so with a deftness of touch that will leave readers of this series hungry for whatever inventive world this author, Dale Groutage, comes to write in next. The author greatly expands the scope of the story, bringing in the gods themselves as real characters, and the twists and turns in time as the story unfolds are sure to be interesting to the readers of this series, The Kopaz Series. 

Tabasco Jack

5 out of 5 stars

While I was reading this, I wondered, "How did he come up with these names of the Gods?" Then, before I had finished, I came across
a historical site that referred to ancient Mayan Gods named the same. It made the reading even more interesting. The Gods weren't just fictional.

“When I finished the book, I was anxious for the next one which continues the exciting adventures of Jeannie, Danny and friends.”

Kathleen Jackson

5 out of 5 stars

“The Kopaz Series is a delightful tale of young love combined with a fanciful voyage into a magical world with intrigue and danger around every corner! Mystery, murder, and mayhem combined with sweet young lovers, a menacing villain, and time travel into a mythical land....WOW!! These books are the real Treasure. I definitely would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a good adventure story.

Secrets of the Sun

Amazon Customer

5 out of 5 stars

“Thrilling Novel! …Action-packed adventure and love story…Highly recommend!

“Secrets of the Sun is the second book of a four-book series, The Kopaz Series.

“The author created a thrilling novel that details the adventures of three friends as they unlock the secrets of the gods. His characters are very well realized, and each of them feels fully motivated in the actions he or she takes. Even some of the more villainous characters—like the creepy Eddie or the malevolent Mochcom—feel like real characters. Readers will understand where Eddie’s decisions come from, and Mochcom’s lust for blood after the death of Black Vulture and after being burgled by Danny, Jeannie, and Tony makes perfect sense. This is even more the case with the protagonists, who are each unique and wonderful. When they are in danger, the emotion is palpable, and when Tony reaches his tragic end, readers are sure to feel a pang of loss. There’s also the wonderful Zanzee, whom readers are bound to adore.

“This book will excite both fans of the author’s previous book and readers who come to this one new. The author does a masterful job of catching readers up on salient plot and character points and on providing context for why certain actions of the characters are rational and correct.

“The pacing of the book is sure to leave readers breathless, especially as tension mounts during the thrilling conclusion. The action ramps up steadily over time, making the manuscript a true page-turner. This is paired with excellent character development and good descriptive elements. The author’s use of pictures in the book is sure to be appreciated by readers as well. It’s often hard to visualize a complex piece of equipment in a text-only book, and his nicely rendered art will give readers a chance to see exactly what the characters are seeing. This will enable them to be even more fully engaged as they go on this amazing trip with the characters.

Kathleen Jackson

5 out of 5 stars

Book 2 of the Kopaz Series,

"Secrets of the Sun", continues the journey of the three young friends, Danny, Jeannie, and Tony, as they explore the secrets of the Scarlet Desert. They piece together the clues they already have and that leads them on to more clues and more mysteries to solve and on to even more danger!

“Their lives will be forever changed when they discover the true power of the Treasures of Kopaz and the door to destiny is opened to them.

“This second book draws you farther into their world and the journey leading to another. The story keeps unfolding like the petals of a rare flower and makes me eager to continue with them on this fantastic voyage into Book 3, "Young God's of Kopaz"!

Young Gods of Kopaz

Amazon Customer

5 out of 5 stars

“Gripping Novel! …The action-packed adventure continues…Highly recommend!

“Young Gods of Kopaz is the third book of a four-book series, The Kopaz Series.

“What the author created here is a fully realized successor to his story, Secrets of the Sun. The characters are wonderfully expanded here, and he ramps up the tension even more by separating the two leads for so much of the book. There will be no readers who are not fearful for Jeannie’s safety as she is captured and assaulted by the diabolical goroms. As well, Danny’s training under Quill and eventual mastery of his powers as a young god will be thrilling for readers to encounter. Will Danny be able to master his powers and save his beloved Jeannie in time to thwart the goroms’ usurpation of the kingdom of Kopaz? It is this question that will keep readers turning the pages with rapt attention.

“In addition to the two leads from the previous book, Young Gods of Kopaz expands the cast to great effect. The tragic characters of Merapondes and Peizar will evoke sympathy from readers, and that sense of loss will turn to hope as the thrilling secret is revealed that Danny and Jeannie will have mastery over death and be able to bring these characters back to life. Will Danny be able to bring his friend Tony back? I’m sure readers will be thrilled to find the answer.

“The highlight of the book for many readers will be the villainous goroms and their scheming. It seems that these monsters cannot even trust one another. Katchcom is a true villain, and his willingness to dispose of his religious brethren in order to advance his journey to ultimate power shows what a truly heinous person he is. Readers will be very glad to see what fate has in store for the evil goroms.

“The four books of The Kopaz Series are: Book 1, Jeannie’s Golden Key; Book 2, Secrets of the Sun; Book 3, Young Gods of Kopaz and Book 4, War of the Gods. This series tells the incredible action-packed story and journey of two impoverished teenagers, Danny and Jeannie, children of coalminers, as they travel from the streets of CoalVille to a war among the Primeval Gods in the Land of Kopaz.

Kathleen Jackson

5 out of 5 stars

Book 3 of the Kopaz Series,

“I enjoyed development of the characters and the expansion of the storyline into a new relm ! Book 3, "Young God's of Kopaz", transports Danny and Jeannie into a mythical magical world that is a stark contrast to the hard existence of life in the 1950's Wyoming coal town. There are trials and tribulations that they both must face before they are introduced to the Royal Family and attain their rightful place in glittering golden life of the Castle of Kopaz. But their worries are not over yet, because there are battles and surprises ( both good and bad) that await them as their journey continues in Book 4, "War of the Gods".

War of the Gods

Amazon Customer

5 out of 5 stars

“A must read! …Touching love story…Thrilling action-packed adventure…Highly recommend!

“What a fantastic book series. If you are looking for a page-turner adventure, then the The Kopaz Series is a must read. In this final volume of the author’s series, War of the Gods, he created a fantastic final volume of his epic story. He succeed in bringing all of the various plot threads to satisfying conclusions, and he did so with a deftness of touch that will leave readers of this series hungry for whatever inventive world this author, Dale Groutage, comes to write in next. The author greatly expands the scope of the story, bringing in the gods themselves as real characters, and the twists and turns in time as the story unfolds are sure to be interesting to the readers of this series, The Kopaz Series.

“The four books of The Kopaz Series are: Book 1, Jeannie’s Golden Key; Book 2, Secrets of the Sun; Book 3, Young Gods of Kopaz and Book 4, War of the Gods. This series tells the incredible action-packed story and journey of two impoverished teenagers, Danny and Jeannie, children of coalminers, as they travel from the streets of CoalVille to a war among the Primeval Gods in the Land of Kopaz.”

Kathleen Jackson

5 out of 5 stars

Book 4 of the Kopaz Series,

“As I finished the final book of the Kopaz Series, "War of the Gods", I was reminded of a quote from Victor Hugo. He said " A writer is a World trapped in a person. " I am so glad that this writer, Dale Groutage, released this World of Kopaz that was trapped in him and shared this wonderful story with all of us.

This last book of the series brought action packed and emotional roller coaster moments to Danny and Jeannie that lead them from their humble beginnings to the pinnacle of the Universe and a Promise of New Beginnings!

Scholastic & Professional Accomplishments

Dale attended the University of Wyoming and received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in the field of engineering. Using his stellar education, he soon went on to acquire employment with the United States government. As a senior scientist for the US Navy, he developed missile guidance and submarine silencing technology. For his service to his country, he was inducted into the University of Wyoming Engineering Hall of Fame in 2004, and has been honored as one of the top ten engineers in the federal government by the National Society of Professional Engineers.